Write a great job post

Concise, to-the-point job descriptions

A great and engaging job description uses bullet points effectively. Discerning job seekers prefer a clear list of duties and responsibilities to help them evaluate if they are a good fit for the position. All mandatory qualifications and experience, as well as the desired level for licenses and certification need to be specified clearly.

Aside from the essential responsibilities and duties, include useful details such as the expected time requirements for day-to-day tasks, how often these tasks will be performed, the kind of people they’re expected to work with and the working environment (i.e. fast-paced, laid-back, collaborative etc.)

It’s also a good idea to enlist the help of current employees who are already filling the job role since they have a good grasp of what the day-to-day would actually be like. Consider asking the employee who’s leaving the position to provide insights and make necessary additions to the description based on their experience.

Highlight company culture and values

Company culture tends to hold considerable weight among job seekers. Now more than ever, they consider workplace culture as critical to job satisfaction. Core values and company culture should be communicated clearly so that potential candidates can see if they are a good fit.

Much like the way a company distinguishes its products and services from competitors – sell your business to exceptional candidates by showing them who you are and how you stand out from other employers.

Interested applicants will do their research to better understand what you’re all about. They will most likely be looking at the company website. Consider incorporating employee testimonials in the company page. Videos from employees highlighting a typical work day and talking about workplace culture are just some of the best ways to showcase an attractive working environment.

Go Beyond the Usual Benefits

An employee benefits package helps build your employer brand and sell the company as a rewarding place to work in. Candidates gravitate towards employers who offer more than just the usual benefits like healthcare and pension plans. If you can afford to level up your benefits package then take the time to effectively convey this in your job ad.

Offering remote work options is a great way to entice candidates as work from home set-ups have seen greater demand compared to in-person roles. Preference for flexible working arrangements is now one of the top reasons why job seekers are looking to make a change.

Aside from flexible work options, remote work stipends, on-site childcare, student loan payment assistance, or discounted memberships – are just some of the great additions and offerings that can make a company much more attractive to potential candidates.

Career Progression

When exploring opportunities, candidates are interested in more than just a hefty compensation package. They are looking to see how an employer fits in with their future plans. A job ad should therefore highlight your willingness to invest time and resources in your employees’ growth and long-term potential.

Provide a clear idea on career progression opportunities and strategies for long-term professional growth. If you have a career progression framework that’s already in place, find a way to mention that from the get-go.  It’s important for companies to show that they are willing to not only make effective use of their employees’ skills and abilities but also to help them forge and navigate the path towards career success.

With the record-setting number of jobs available, companies should try to rethink how they can showcase their organization and enhance every touchpoint of the hiring process. An appealing, well-thought-out job post is a good place to start and is key to launching every candidate’s journey.


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